Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Two more games scheduled

The coach from Rivercrest called me last night and we scheduled a couple games in January. However, as of now, they only have 4th & 5th grade teams...no 6th grade. I thought that was a little odd. I don't think it's a player shortage...I think it's a coach shortage. Anyway, here are the added games:

Tuesday, January 6th at Home vs. Rivercrest
Games start at 6:30
Game 1: 4th grade
Game 2: 5th grade
no 6th grade game

Saturday, January 24th at Rivercrest
Games start at 10:00
Game 1: 4th grade
Game 2: 5th grade
no 6th grade game

P.S. Hopefully, we will be making a hard copy of the complete basketball schedule sometime this week. I've got a couple games that need to be confirmed. As soon as they are completed we will hand them out during practice.